
Bill Tracker

based on: AARP 2020

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Notes about this profile:

Bill No. Title CCW SummaryPositionAARP AdvocateHouse SponsorsSenate SponsorsHouse CommitteeSenate CommitteeHearing DateHearing TimeHearing RoomStatusComment
HB20-1044 Modify Pension Plans Administered By FPPA Fire And Police Pension Association a

Dennis Valentine, Dr. Irene Jordan and Phil Steckley 

A. Garnett (D)
T. Exum Sr. (D)
S. Bird (D)
L. Garcia (D)
J. Ginal (D)
FinanceLocal GovernmentGovernor Signed: 04/01/2020
HB20-1064 Public Utilities Commission Study Of Community Choice Energy c

Bill Levis, Greg Glischinski and Maureen Mrizek

E. Hooton (D)Energy and EnvironmentHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/16/2020
HB20-1086 Insurance Coverage Mental Health Wellness Exam b

Leslie Kalechman, AW Schnellbacher and Carol Pace

D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
C. Larson (R)
R. Fields (D)Health and InsuranceHealth and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
HB20-1092 Reimbursement To Federally Qualified Health Centers b

AW Schnellbacher and Carol Pace 

Y. Caraveo (D)
P. Will (R)
B. Rankin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
Public Health Care and Human ServicesHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/16/2020
HB20-1127 Extend Public Employees' Retirement Association Retiree Work After Retirement Limit b

Erlinda Achuleta, Dr. Irene Jordan, Carol Pace and Dennis Valentine 

B. McLachlan (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
N. Todd (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/13/2020
HB20-1138 Public Real Property Index a

Kathleen Flynn, Linda Champ and Fred Mast 

J. Coleman (D)
C. Larson (R)
J. Bridges (D)
R. Gardner (R)
Transportation and Local GovernmentHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/16/2020
HB20-1160 Drug Price Transparency Insurance Premium Reductions b

AW Schnellbacher, Dr. Shirley Leow, Jean Nofles, Greg Glischinski and Carol Pace 

D. Jackson (D)
D. Roberts (D)
J. Ginal (D)
K. Donovan (D)
Health and InsuranceHouse Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments: 06/01/2020
HB20-1196 Mobile Home Park Act Updates c

Kathleen Flynn, Linda Champ and Fred Mast

E. Hooton (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
P. Lee (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
Transportation and Local GovernmentJudiciaryGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
HB20-1198 Pharmacy Benefits Carrier And Pharmacy Benefit Manager Requirements c

Dr. Shirley Leow and AW Schnellbacher 

J. Buckner (D)
L. Landgraf (R)
R. Fields (D)
J. Ginal (D)
Health and InsuranceHouse Committee on Health & Insurance Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
HB20-1201 Mobile Home Park Residents Opportunity To Purchase b

Kathleen Flynn, Linda Champ, Fred Mast and Erlinda Archuleta

E. Hooton (D)
S. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D)
J. Ginal (D)
D. Moreno (D)
Transportation and Local GovernmentLocal GovernmentGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
HB20-1216 Sunset Continue Nurse Practice Act b

Dr. Shirley Leow and AW Schnellbacher

K. Mullica (D)J. Ginal (D)Health and InsuranceFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
HB20-1232 Equity In Access To Clinical Trials In Medicaid b

AW Schnellbacher, Carol Pace, Dr. Shirley Leow and Maureen Mrizek 

L. Liston (R)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
N. Todd (D)
K. Priola (R)
Health and InsuranceState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/10/2020
HB20-1236 Health Care Coverage Easy Enrollment Program a

AW Schnellbacher, Jean Nofles, Greg Glischinski Cara Camping and Fred Mast 

S. Lontine (D)
P. Will (R)
J. Tate (R)
J. Bridges (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/06/2020
HB20-1264 Health Care Contract Hospital System Carriers Providers c

Carol Pace, AW Schnellbacher, Dr. Irene Jordan, Leslie Kalechman, Dr. Mary Fries, Dennis Valentine 

C. Kennedy (D)Health and InsuranceHouse Committee on Health & Insurance Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
HB20-1293 Emergency Telephone Service Charges g

Bill Levis and Greg Glischinski 

J. McCluskie (D)
R. Pelton (R)
D. Coram (R)
J. Gonzales (D)
Business Affairs and LaborFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/10/2020
HB20-1294 Replace Illegal Alien With Undocumented Immigrant a

Jean Nofles, Erlinda Archuleta, AW Schnellbacher and Phil Steckley 

S. Lontine (D)J. Gonzales (D)State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 05/27/2020
HB20-1302 CAPS Check Program Changes b

Dennis Valentine and Leslie Kalechman 

S. Lontine (D)J. Danielson (D)Public Health Care and Human ServicesHealth and Human ServicesGovernor Signed: 07/10/2020
HB20-1331 Transportation Services For Medicaid Waiver Recipients b

Carol Pace, AW Schnellbacher, Jean Nofles, Leslie Kalechman and Bill Levis

M. Duran (D)
C. Larson (R)
Public Health Care and Human ServicesHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/16/2020
HB20-1332 Prohibit Housing Discrimination Source Of Income b

Linda Champ, Kathleen Flynn and Dr. Irene Jordan 

L. Herod (D)
D. Jackson (D)
R. Fields (D)JudiciaryState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/14/2020
HB20-1345 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Legislative Appropriation Bill cA. Garnett (D)
P. Neville (R)
C. Holbert (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/23/2020
HB20-1349 Colorado Affordable Health Care Option b

Carol Pace, AW Schnellbacher, Leslie Kalechman, Jean Nofles and Maureen Mrizek

C. Kennedy (D)
D. Roberts (D)
K. Donovan (D)Health and InsuranceHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/16/2020
HB20-1360 2020-21 Long Bill c D. Esgar (D)D. Moreno (D)Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/22/2020
HB20-1361 Reduce The Adult Dental Benefit e

Jean Nofles and Shirley Leow

D. Esgar (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Moreno (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
HB20-1362 Limit Increase to Medicaid Nursing Facility Rates c

AW Schnellbacher

K. Ransom (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
HB20-1376 Modify Transportation Funding Mechanisms cD. Esgar (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
B. Rankin (R)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Transportation and Local GovernmentFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
HB20-1379 Suspend Direct Distribution To PERA Public Employees Retirement Association For 2020-21 Fiscal Year e

Dr. Irene Jordan

K. Ransom (R)B. Rankin (R)Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
HB20-1385 Use Of Increased Medicaid Match c

AW Schnellbacher, Carol Pace and Jean Nofles

D. Esgar (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Moreno (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
HB20-1392 Council And Parking Program For Persons With Disability cD. Esgar (D)
K. Ransom (R)
R. Zenzinger (D)Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/26/2020
HB20-1394 Public Employees' Retirement Association Judicial Division Contribution Rate Modification e

Dr. Irene Jordan

K. Ransom (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Moreno (D)
B. Rankin (R)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
HB20-1405 Funding For Eviction Legal Defense Fund cS. Woodrow (D)J. Danielson (D)
F. Winter (D)
FinanceHouse Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 06/06/2020
HB20-1410 COVID-19-related Housing Assistance b

Linda Champ and Kathleen Flynn

T. Exum Sr. (D)
S. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/22/2020
HB20-1412 COVID-19 Utility Bill Payment-related Assistance b

Bill Levis

C. Kennedy (D)
L. Cutter (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
T. Story (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/22/2020
HB20-1414 Price Gouge Amid Disaster Deceptive Trade Practice c

Carol Pace, Dr. Shirley Leow and Dennis Valentine 

M. Weissman (D)
B. Titone (D)
M. Foote (D)
B. Pettersen (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/14/2020
HB20-1415 Whistleblower Protection Public Health Emergencies c

AW Schnellbacher Dr. Mary Fries, Dr. Shirley Leow and Phil Steckley

L. Herod (D)
T. Sullivan (D)
B. Pettersen (D)
R. Rodriguez (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/11/2020
HB20-1416 Legislative Council Staff Initiative Fiscal Summary cA. Garnett (D)
P. Neville (R)
C. Holbert (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/02/2020
HB20-1417 Care Subfund In The General Fund cK. Becker (D)C. Hansen (D)FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/22/2020
HB20-1419 State Drug Assistance Program Funding cL. Landgraf (R)
D. Esgar (D)
D. Coram (R)
D. Moreno (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 07/13/2020
HB20-1420 Adjust Tax Expenditures For State Education Fund c

Carol Pace, Dr. Mary Fries, Maureen Mrizek; and AW Schnellbacher

M. Gray (D)
E. Sirota (D)
D. Moreno (D)
C. Hansen (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/11/2020
HB20-1422 Food Pantry Assistance Grant Program bD. Esgar (D)
L. Cutter (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
T. Story (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/22/2020
HB20-1425 Hospital Patient Visitation Rights During COVID-19 bE. Hooton (D)
T. Geitner (R)
J. Ginal (D)
J. Smallwood (R)
Public Health Care and Human ServicesState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
HB20-S1001 Grants To Improve Internet Access In P-12 Education bM. Soper (R)
M. Young (D)
K. Donovan (D)
J. Bridges (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
HB20-S1003 Food Pantry Assistance Grant Program bR. Bockenfeld (R)
L. Cutter (D)
T. Story (D)
D. Hisey (R)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
HB20-S1005 Local Authority To Impose Food Delivery Fee Restrictions cS. Bird (D)R. Rodriguez (D)FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
HB20-S1006 Insurance Premium Tax Payments And Credits cJ. Arndt (D)R. Zenzinger (D)
K. Donovan (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
SB20-005 Covered Person Cost-sharing Collected By Carriers c

AW Schnellbacher

J. McCluskie (D)K. Priola (R)
F. Winter (D)
Health and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/13/2020
SB20-013 Promote Innovative And Clean Energy Technologies f

Bill Levis and Greg Glischinski

R. Rodriguez (D)State, Veterans and Military AffairsSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 05/27/2020

Nothing in AARP policy opposes increased renewable energy. However, the bill does not achieve the balance between sustainability and affordability called for in our policy. Although the cost of some renewable energy technologies is falling, mandatory cost recovery could increase rates for consumers. We would also like to point out, since Xcel is an investor owned utility, shouldn’t their shareholders pay for capital improvements instead of ratepayers? 

SB20-020 Reduce The State Income Tax Rate e

Kathleen Flynn and Jean Nofles

R. Pelton (R)
R. Holtorf (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)State, Veterans and Military AffairsSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 01/22/2020

A reduced state income rate in a state with the most restrictive tax and spending limitations already in place could hurt funding for the services older adults rely on.

SB20-021 Tax Expenditure Bill Requirements c

Maureen Mrizek and Phil Steckley

A. Benavidez (D)
M. Snyder (D)
J. Tate (R)FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
SB20-030 Consumer Protections For Utility Customers a

Bill Levis, Greg Glischinski and Fred Mast

D. Esgar (D)L. Garcia (D)
R. Rodriguez (D)
Energy and EnvironmentTransportation and EnergyGovernor Signed: 06/29/2020
SB20-033 Allow Medicaid Buy-in Program After Age 65 b

AW Schnellbacher, Erlinda Archuleta, Carol Pace, Maureen Mrizek and Jean Nofles

S. Lontine (D)R. Fields (D)
J. Tate (R)
Public Health Care and Human ServicesHealth and Human ServicesGovernor Signed: 07/06/2020
SB20-069 Disabled Veterans Free State Park Access b

Greg Glischinski and AW Schnellbacher

B. Buentello (D)L. Garcia (D)Rural Affairs and AgricultureState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 03/11/2020
SB20-093 Consumer And Employee Dispute Resolution Fairness a

Dennis Valentine

M. Weissman (D)
D. Jackson (D)
M. Foote (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
FinanceJudiciaryHouse Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 06/04/2020
SB20-107 Drug Production Costs Transparency Analysis Report b

Dr. Shirley Leow, Jean Nofles and Carol Pace 

D. Jackson (D)
K. Mullica (D)
J. Ginal (D)Health and Human ServicesSenate Second Reading Laid Over to 12/31/2020 - No Amendments: 06/03/2020
SB20-119 Expand Canadian Prescription Drug Import Program a

Dr. Shirley Leow, Greg Glischinski and Carol Pace 

S. Lewis (D)J. Ginal (D)Health and InsuranceHealth and Human ServicesHouse Committee on Health & Insurance Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
SB20-122 Mobile Veteran Support Unit Grant Program b

AW Schnellbacher

K. Donovan (D)State, Veterans and Military AffairsSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
SB20-127 Committee Actuarial Review Health Care Plan Legislation c

AW Schnellbacher, Jean Nofles and Dennis Valentine 

N. Todd (D)
J. Smallwood (R)
Health and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/13/2020
SB20-129 Protection Of Individuals Subject To A Fiduciary b

Dennis Valentine and Phil Steckley

K. Ransom (R)
M. Froelich (D)
C. Holbert (R)
J. Ginal (D)
JudiciaryJudiciaryGovernor Signed: 07/10/2020
SB20-173 Reimbursement Rates Alternative Care Facilities c

Jean Nofles, AW Schnellbacher, Greg Glischinski; Dr. Mary Fries and Carol Pace

R. Pelton (R)J. Sonnenberg (R)Health and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/13/2020
SB20-182 Supporting Wandering Persons Recovery Programs b

Carol Pace, Kathleen Flynn, Dr. Mary Fries, Fred Mast and AW Schnellbacher 

J. Danielson (D)Health and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 06/10/2020
SB20-186 Colorado Redistricting Commissions c

Greg Glischinski, Dr. Irene Jordan, Dennis Valentine and Phil Steckley 

A. Garnett (D)
P. Neville (R)
C. Holbert (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/11/2020
SB20-188 Plain Language In Hospital Bills b

Carol Pace, Erlinda Archuleta, AW Schnellbacher and Leslie Kalechman

R. Fields (D)Health and Human ServicesSenate Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely: 05/27/2020
SB20-190 Boost Renewable Energy Transmission Investment f

Bill Levis and Delane Nagel

C. Hansen (D)Transportation and EnergySenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 06/03/2020

We are concerned that this bill will substitute the FERC for the CO PUC with a higher ROE and an emphasis on coal. 

SB20-193 Creation Of The Financial Empowerment Office a

Phil Steckley, Jean Nofles and Lynn Smith

J. Coleman (D)
K. Tipper (D)
D. Moreno (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
FinanceSenate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 05/26/2020
SB20-200 Implementation Of CO Colorado Secure Savings Program a

Phil Steckley, Dr. Irene Jordan, Erlinda Archuleta, Jean Nofles and Delane Nagel

T. Kraft-Tharp (D)
K. Becker (D)
B. Pettersen (D)
K. Donovan (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/14/2020

This is our top priority bill.  People are 15 times more likely to save for retirement if their contribution is automatically deducted from their paycheck. 

SB20-205 Sick Leave For Employees b

Dennis Valentine and Carol Pace

K. Becker (D)
Y. Caraveo (D)
J. Bridges (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
Health and InsuranceState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/14/2020
SB20-206 Public Assistance Program Recipient Disqualification c

Jean Nofles 

J. Singer (D)
L. Landgraf (R)
N. Todd (D)
J. Cooke (R)
EducationState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/02/2020
SB20-207 Unemployment Insurance c

Dennis Valentine and Phil Steckley

M. Gray (D)
T. Sullivan (D)
F. Winter (D)
C. Hansen (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 07/14/2020
SB20-210 Extend UCC Fee For Fraud Investigators Unit cD. Roberts (D)
M. Snyder (D)
J. Gonzales (D)FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
SB20-212 Reimbursement For Telehealth Services b

Leslie Kalechman, AW Schnellbacher, Linda Champ, Dr. Shirley Leow, Carol Pace and Dr. Mary Fries

S. Lontine (D)
M. Soper (R)
J. Tate (R)
F. Winter (D)
Health and InsuranceState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 07/06/2020
SB20-214 Suspend 2020 Legislative Interim Committees cA. Garnett (D)
P. Neville (R)
C. Holbert (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
SB20-215 Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise b

AW Schnellbacher, Leslie Kalechman and Carol Pace

C. Kennedy (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Moreno (D)
K. Donovan (D)
FinanceFinanceGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
SB20-224 Landlord Prohibitions Tenant Citizenship Status cS. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D)J. Gonzales (D)State, Veterans, and Military AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsGovernor Signed: 06/30/2020
SB20-S002 Housing & Direct COVID Emergency Assistance bT. Exum Sr. (D)
K. Tipper (D)
C. Holbert (R)
J. Gonzales (D)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
SB20-S003 Money For Energy Utility Bill Payment Assistance a

Bill Levis

L. Landgraf (R)
M. Duran (D)
R. Fields (D)
L. Crowder (R)
Appropriations AppropriationsGovernor Signed: 12/07/2020
SB20-S007 Emergency Public Health Order Procedural Requirements cR. Gardner (R)FinanceSenate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 12/01/2020
SB20-S010 Broadband Infrastructure Access Electric Easement cJ. Arndt (D)
M. Catlin (R)
D. Coram (R)FinanceSenate Committee on Finance Postponed Indefinitely : 11/30/2020
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