
Bill Tracker

based on: Education/ECE Bills Tracker 2022 CES

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Bill No. Title DescriptionBill SubjectStatusHearing DateHouse CommitteeSenate CommitteeHouse SponsorsSenate Sponsors
HB22-1002 Fifth Year High School Concurrent Enrollment Concerning expanding student access to enrollment in postsecondary courses while the student is enrolled in high school.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022EducationM. Weissman (D)
J. Bacon (D)
J. Buckner (D)
HB22-1009 Continue Workforce Diploma Pilot Program Concerning continuing the workforce diploma pilot program as the workforce diploma program.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022EducationR. Zenzinger (D)
HB22-1010 Early Childhood Educator Income Tax Credit Concerning an income tax credit for eligible early childhood educators, and in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022EducationFinanceE. Sirota (D)J. Buckner (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
HB22-1019 Modifications To Qualified State Tuition Programs Concerning modifications to qualified state tuition programs, and, in connection therewith, creating the foundational learning experience (FLEX) savings program.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/31/2022Education
HB22-1024 Sales And Use Tax Exemption Municipal Public School Construction Concerning an expansion of the existing sales and use tax exemption for construction and building materials used for the building of public works to require that home rule cities exempt such tax on sales of such materials when used for public school construction, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Governor Signed: 04/18/2022Transportation and Local GovernmentFinanceS. Bird (D)C. Hansen (D)
C. Kolker (D)
HB22-1049 Prohibiting Transcript And Diploma Withholding Concerning prohibiting a postsecondary institution from making payment of an outstanding balance on a student's account a condition of issuing the student's documents.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 04/21/2022EducationEducationN. Ricks (D)
J. Bacon (D)
J. Bridges (D)
HB22-1052 Promoting Crisis Services To Students

Concerning promoting behavioral health crisis services to school-age students, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/08/2022Public and Behavioral Health & Human ServicesEducationH. McKean (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
K. Priola (D)
D. Moreno (D)
HB22-1060 Contribution Limits School Dist Dir Candidate Concerning the establishment of contribution limits under the "Fair Campaign Practices Act" for candidates for school district director, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Elections & Redistricting
Governor Signed: 04/13/2022State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military AffairsE. Sirota (D)J. Gonzales (D)
HB22-1066 Public Education Curriculum And Professional Development Information Concerning requiring public education entities to improve academic transparency by providing easily accessible information to the public, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/03/2022Education
HB22-1069 Parent Authority To Request Public School Reforms Concerning parents' authority to request reforms for low-performing schools.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/03/2022EducationR. Bockenfeld (R)K. Priola (D)
HB22-1070 Special Districts Early Childhood Development Concerning early childhood development service districts, and, in connection therewith, allowing a district to include in its service area less than all of the territory of an existing taxing district and to accept gifts, grants, and donations.- Local Government
Governor Signed: 03/17/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)
HB22-1101 Public Employees' Retirement Association Service Retiree Employment In Rural Schools Concerning the expansion of a program that allows a public employees' retirement association service retiree to work full-time without any reduction in the service retiree's retirement benefits for a rural school district that has a critical shortage of qualified individuals with specific experience, skills, or qualifications that the service retiree has.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Local Government
Governor Signed: 03/18/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)
M. Catlin (R)
R. Zenzinger (D)
HB22-1106 Concealed Handguns On School Grounds Concerning allowing concealed handgun permit holders to carry concealed handguns on school grounds.- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/28/2022State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
HB22-1107 Inclusive Higher Education Opportunities Concerning measures related to creating higher education opportunities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationAppropriationsM. Young (D)
M. Bradfield (R)
J. Bridges (D)
HB22-1110 Board Of Education Executive Session Concerning the circumstances under which a board of education may meet in executive session when selecting a chief executive officer.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 04/04/2022EducationEducationM. Bradfield (R)
A. Boesenecker (D)
HB22-1120 School Security Disbursement Program Recreation Concerning the recreation of the school security disbursement program to provide funding for local education providers to implement school security improvements to prevent incidents of school violence.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Governor Signed: 05/19/2022EducationEducationJ. Bridges (D)
HB22-1126 Eligible Educator Classroom Expenses Tax Credit Concerning a state income tax credit for an eligible educator's classroom expenses.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022Finance
HB22-1136 Ultrasound Video Demonstration In Sex Education Concerning a high-definition ultrasound video demonstration showing each stage of human development as a requirement of comprehensive human sexuality education.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Health & Insurance Postpone Indefinitely: 03/16/2022Health and Insurance
HB22-1146 Investment of Public School Fund Study And Report Concerning the investment of money in the public school fund.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)P. Lundeen (R)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
HB22-1155 In-state Tuition For Colorado High School Graduates Concerning in-state tuition classification at institutions of higher education for students who complete high school in Colorado.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)D. Moreno (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
HB22-1168 Public School Hunter Education Seventh Grade Course Concerning permitting public schools to provide a hunter education course to seventh grade students.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 04/21/2022Agriculture, Livestock, and WaterAgriculture and Natural ResourcesH. McKean (R)J. Ginal (D)
HB22-1186 Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2021-22 Concerning adjustments to school funding for the 2021-22 budget year, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 03/01/2022Appropriations AppropriationsL. Herod (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Moreno (D)
C. Hansen (D)
HB22-1197 Effective Date Of Department Of Early Childhood Concerning the effective date of the department of early childhood, and, in connection therewith, transferring money from the general fund to the capital construction fund information technology capital account and making an appropriation.- Human Services
Governor Signed: 03/01/2022Appropriations AppropriationsJ. McCluskie (D)
E. Sirota (D)
J. Buckner (D)
D. Moreno (D)
HB22-1202 At-risk Student Measure For School Finance Concerning the creation of a new measure in the public school funding formula for identifying at-risk students, and, in connection therewith, creating a working group in the department of education to implement the new measure in a future budget year and making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/03/2022EducationEducationL. Herod (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
J. Coleman (D)
HB22-1203 Income Tax Credits For Nonpublic Education Concerning the creation of income tax credits for nonpublic education.- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 02/24/2022Education
HB22-1206 Prohibit Discriminatory Practices In Schools Concerning prohibiting discriminatory practices in public schools.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely: 03/22/2022Judiciary
HB22-1207 Choice In Low-performing School Districts Concerning the creation of a program to enable students enrolled in a low-performing school district to pursue other educational opportunities.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/03/2022Education
HB22-1215 Study Of Expanding Extended High School Programs Concerning expanding opportunities for high school students to enroll in postsecondary courses, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)
J. Bacon (D)
J. Bridges (D)
HB22-1220 Removing Barriers To Educator Preparation Concerning removing barriers in educator preparation to support educator candidates entering the educator workforce, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)
C. Kipp (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
HB22-1236 Parent's Bill Of Rights Concerning the creation of a parent's bill of rights.- Children & Domestic Matters
House Committee on Health & Insurance Postpone Indefinitely: 03/23/2022Health and Insurance
HB22-1243 School Security and School Behavioral Health Services Funding Concerning programs that provide funding to improve school safety, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Governor Signed: 05/19/2022EducationAppropriationsC. Kolker (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
HB22-1248 Extend School Leadership Pilot Program Concerning continuation of the school leadership pilot program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/24/2022EducationAppropriationsB. McLachlan (D)
D. Ortiz (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
C. Simpson (R)
HB22-1252 Public School Contract Terms And Conditions Concerning provisions of public school contracts, and, in connection therewith, specifying requirements and limitations for such provisions.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 04/12/2022EducationEducationT. Bernett (D)S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
HB22-1255 Improve Higher Education For Students With A Disability Concerning measures to improve postsecondary education outcomes for students with a disability.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 04/21/2022EducationEducationM. Bradfield (R)
D. Ortiz (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
HB22-1260 Access To Medically Necessary Services For Students Concerning ensuring students have reasonable access to medically necessary services in schools.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/02/2022EducationEducationM. Froelich (D)R. Fields (D)
C. Simpson (R)
HB22-1274 Sunset Colorado Interagency Working Group On School Safety

Concerning the continuation of the Colorado interagency working group on school safety, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Governor Signed: 06/08/2022EducationEducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)R. Gardner (R)
J. Gonzales (D)
HB22-1275 Sunset School Safety Resource Center Advisory Board Concerning the continuation of the school safety resource center advisory board, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendation in the department of regulatory agencies' sunset report.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Governor Signed: 04/12/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)R. Fields (D)
P. Lundeen (R)
HB22-1280 Pikes Peak Community College Name Change

Concerning changing the name of Pikes Peak community college to Pikes Peak state college.

- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 04/22/2022EducationEducationM. Snyder (D)P. Lundeen (R)
HB22-1294 Special Education Services In Charter Schools Concerning additional pathways to provide special education services to children with disabilities in charter schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
M. Young (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
R. Gardner (R)
HB22-1295 Department Early Childhood And Universal Preschool Program

Concerning the department of early childhood, and, in connection therewith, establishing the duties of the department of early childhood and the executive director of the department, relocating early childhood programs from the departments of human services and education to the department of early childhood, creating the Colorado universal preschool program, and making and adjusting appropriations.

- Children & Domestic Matters
Governor Signed: 04/25/2022EducationEducationE. Sirota (D)J. Buckner (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
HB22-1349 Postsecondary Student Success Data System Concerning improving decision-making to enhance postsecondary student success, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022EducationEducationM. Duran (D)K. Priola (D)
J. Bridges (D)
HB22-1358 Clean Water In Schools And Child Care Centers

Concerning measures to eliminate the presence of lead in the drinking water of certain facilities where children are present, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

- Public Health
- Water
Governor Signed: 06/07/2022Public and Behavioral Health & Human ServicesAppropriationsE. Sirota (D)R. Fields (D)
F. Winter (D)
HB22-1365 Southern Colorado Institute Of Transportation Technology At Colorado State University - Pueblo Concerning the creation of the southern Colorado institute of transportation technology at Colorado state university - Pueblo.- Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Governor Signed: 05/27/2022EducationTransportation and EnergyN. Hinrichsen (D)
HB22-1366 Improving Students' Postsecondary Options Concerning increasing access to postsecondary workforce readiness with financial aid information, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationAppropriationsC. Kipp (D)J. Bridges (D)
HB22-1376 Supportive Learning Environments For K-12 Students Concerning supportive learning environments for K-12 students, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Children & Domestic Matters
- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationJudiciaryL. Herod (D)
M. Young (D)
K. Priola (D)
F. Winter (D)
HB22-1390 Public School Finance Concerning the financing of public schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
P. Lundeen (R)
HB22-1395 Transportation Innovation Grant Program Concerning creating the competitive transportation innovation grant program to address the public school transportation shortage.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Transportation & Motor Vehicles
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022EducationM. Young (D)R. Zenzinger (D)
C. Simpson (R)
HB22-1396 Math Achievement Accelerator Grant Program Concerning funding for local education providers to improve student achievement in mathematics, and, in connection therewith, creating the math achievement accelerator grant program and making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022EducationB. McLachlan (D)P. Lundeen (R)
HB22-1414 Healthy Meals For All Public School Students

Concerning providing healthy meals to all public school students, and, in connection therewith, creating the healthy school meals for all program and providing funding for the program by capping itemized and standard state income tax deductions for taxpayers who have federal adjusted gross income of $300,000 or more.

- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/06/2022Public and Behavioral Health & Human ServicesFinanceD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
S. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D)
R. Fields (D)
SB22-003 Community College Nursing Bachelor Degree Eligibility Concerning permitting community colleges to offer a bachelor of science degree in nursing to certain students.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 04/07/2022EducationEducationJ. Buckner (D)
SB22-004 Evidence-based Training In Science Of Reading Concerning measures to support evidence-based literacy instruction for students in early grades, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/31/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)J. Bridges (D)
SB22-008 Higher Education Support For Foster Youth Concerning postsecondary education support for certain students who have been in out-of-home placement, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Children & Domestic Matters
- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationH. McKean (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
K. Priola (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
SB22-039 Funding For Educational Opportunities Concerning funding for educational opportunities, and, in connection therewith, creating a scholarship program for students to pursue educational opportunities.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Senate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 02/24/2022EducationP. Lundeen (R)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
SB22-044 Use Of Student Growth In Educator Evaluations Concerning limiting the use of student academic growth in evaluating a licensed educator's performance.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Senate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/10/2022EducationM. Froelich (D)
C. Kipp (D)
SB22-054 Recommend Community School For Turnaround Plan Concerning the addition of a recommendation that a district public school be converted to a community school if the district public school fails to make substantial progress under its turnaround plan.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 03/24/2022EducationEducationB. Titone (D)R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
SB22-069 Learning Disruption Effect On Teacher Evaluation Concerning the use of student academic measures in evaluating the performance of licensed personnel for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/31/2022EducationEducationM. Froelich (D)
B. McLachlan (D)
SB22-070 Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade Licensed Personnel Performance Evaluations Concerning licensed personnel performance evaluations in public schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/24/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
J. Bridges (D)
SB22-071 Learning Pods For Home-school Programs Concerning authorization of the use of learning pods by nonpublic, home-based educational programs.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Senate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 02/17/2022Education
SB22-084 529 Plan Education Loan Payment Eligible Distribution Concerning the inclusion of a qualified education loan payment as an eligible distribution from a 529 plan for purposes of the state income tax deduction for contributions to 529 plans.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/08/2022State, Veterans and Military AffairsM. Bradfield (R)R. Gardner (R)
SB22-085 Colorado Safe Student Protection Program Concerning creating the Colorado safe student protection program.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022EducationState, Veterans and Military AffairsB. McLachlan (D)
M. Catlin (R)
R. Zenzinger (D)
SB22-087 Healthy Meals For All Public School Students Concerning providing healthy meals to public school students.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Senate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely: 05/10/2022EducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
S. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D)
R. Fields (D)
SB22-101 Colorado School Resource Officer Grant Program Concerning the creation of a grant program to provide grants to Colorado schools to hire school resource officers.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/15/2022State, Veterans and Military AffairsJ. Smallwood (R)
SB22-127 Special Education Funding Concerning funding for special education services, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationJ. McCluskie (D)R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
SB22-137 Transition Back To Standard K-12 Accountability Concerning measures related to the transitional return to standard education accountability.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 04/13/2022EducationEducationB. McLachlan (D)
M. Young (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
SB22-140 Expansion Of Experiential Learning Opportunities Concerning the expansion of experiential learning opportunities through relationships with employers, and, in connection therewith, establishing a work-based learning incentive program, a digital navigation program, a career-aligned English as a second language program, a global talent task force to study in-demand occupations, and making an appropriation.- Labor & Employment
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022Business Affairs and LaborBusiness, Labor and TechnologyB. McLachlan (D)
J. Amabile (D)
R. Gardner (R)
J. Coleman (D)
SB22-165 Colorado Career Advisor Training Program Concerning the creation of the Colorado career advisor training program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022EducationEducationM. Lindsay (D)J. Bridges (D)
SB22-192 Opportunities For Credential Attainment Concerning the creation of opportunities for credential attainment, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Higher Education
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022EducationEducationM. Catlin (R)R. Zenzinger (D)
C. Simpson (R)
SB22-197 Innovation School Zones With Alternative Governance Concerning authorizing alternative governance for innovation school zones.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/02/2022EducationEducationJ. Bacon (D)C. Hansen (D)
J. Coleman (D)
SB22-202 State Match For Mill Levy Override Revenue Concerning providing state matching money for property tax revenue collected by school districts, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 05/26/2022Transportation and Local GovernmentEducationJ. McCluskie (D)R. Zenzinger (D)
SB22-207 Prevention Of Title IX Misconduct In Public Schools Concerning the prevention of Title IX misconduct on public school campuses, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed: 06/07/2022EducationEducationJ. Bacon (D)F. Winter (D)
SB22-213 Child Care Support Programs Concerning continuing support for necessary child care programs, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.- Children & Domestic Matters
- Human Services
Governor Signed: 06/03/2022Public and Behavioral Health & Human ServicesHealth and Human ServicesA. Valdez (D)R. Fields (D)
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