Assistance Landowner Wildfire Mitigation
Concerning wildfire mitigation assistance for landowners. | - State Government
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Finance | M. Lynch (R) | C. Simpson (R) |
Wildfire Mitigation Incentives For Local Governments
Concerning the establishment of a state grant program that provides funding to local governments that dedicate resources for wildfire mitigation purposes. | - Local Government
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Appropriations | M. Snyder (D) | |
Wildfire Mitigation And Recovery
Concerning healthy forests, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. | - Higher Education - Local Government - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Finance | | J. Ginal (D) |
Electric And Gas Utility Customer Protections
Concerning a state regulated utility's practices regarding a customer's ability to pay the customer's utility bill. | - Energy
| Governor Signed: 04/21/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | C. Kennedy (D) | F. Winter (D) N. Hinrichsen (D) |
Habitat Partnership Program
Concerning the habitat partnership program. | - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 04/21/2022 | | Agriculture, Livestock, and Water | Agriculture and Natural Resources | | C. Simpson (R) |
Regulation And Services For Wildfire Mitigation
Concerning the provision of wildfire mitigation services, and, in connection therewith, regulating controlled burns on private property. | - Local Government
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | R. Holtorf (R) | L. Liston (R) |
Green Hydrogen To Meet Pollution Reduction Goals
Concerning the use of green hydrogen to meet statewide greenhouse gas pollution reduction goals. | - Energy
| House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely: 04/13/2022 | | Energy and Environment | | | |
Turf Replacement Program
Concerning measures to incentivize water-wise landscapes, and, in connection therewith, creating a state program to finance the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf and making an appropriation.
| - Water
| Governor Signed: 06/08/2022 | | Agriculture, Livestock, and Water | Appropriations | M. Catlin (R) | J. Bridges (D) C. Simpson (R) |
Waste Diversion And Circular Economy Development Center
Concerning waste diversion, and, in connection therewith, creating the circular economy development center in the department of public health and environment, establishing the costs of operating the center as a permissible use of money from the front range waste diversion cash fund and the recycling resources economic opportunity fund, and extending and removing certain repeal dates associated with existing statutory waste diversion efforts. | - Public Health
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Finance | | K. Priola (D) F. Winter (D) |
Incentives Promote Colorado Timber Industry
Concerning the adoption of incentives to promote the timber industry in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, creating an internship program in the Colorado state forest service, extending an existing sales and use tax exemption to cover the sales, storage, and use of wood harvested in Colorado, and creating a state income tax credit for the purchase of qualifying items used in timber production. | - Financial Services & Commerce - Natural Resources & Environment
| House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/12/2022 | | Energy and Environment | | M. Weissman (D) M. Lynch (R) | |
Public Protections From Toxic Air Contaminants
Concerning measures to increase public protection from toxic air contaminants, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. | - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/02/2022 | | Energy and Environment | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | C. Kennedy (D) S. Gonzales-Gutierrez (D) | J. Gonzales (D) |
Oversight Of Chemicals Used In Oil & Gas
Concerning enhanced oversight of the chemicals used in oil and gas production, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
| - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/08/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | M. Froelich (D) | F. Winter (D) |
Building Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Concerning the reduction of building greenhouse gas emissions, and, in connection therewith, requiring the director of the Colorado energy office and the executive director of the department of local affairs to appoint an energy code board that develops two model codes, requiring local governments and certain state agencies to adopt and enforce codes that are consistent with the model codes developed by the energy code board, creating the building electrification for public buildings grant program, creating the high-efficiency electric heating and appliances grant program, and establishing the clean air building investments fund. | - Energy - Local Government - State Government
| Governor Signed: 06/02/2022 | | Energy and Environment | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | A. Valdez (D) T. Bernett (D) | F. Winter (D) C. Hansen (D) |
Accountability To Taxpayers Special Districts
Concerning measures to increase the accountability of special districts to taxpayers. | - Local Government
| Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 05/05/2022 | | Transportation and Local Government | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | M. Weissman (D) A. Boesenecker (D) | J. Gonzales (D) |
Colorado Energy Office Geothermal Energy Grant Program
Concerning the creation of a geothermal energy grant program to facilitate the development of geothermal energy resources. | - Business & Economic Development - Energy - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/02/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Finance | H. McKean (R) B. Titone (D) | F. Winter (D) |
Alternative Energy Sources
Concerning alternative energy sources, and, in connection therewith, requiring a feasibility study for the use of small modular nuclear reactors as a source of carbon-free energy and for recycled energy, specifying the maximum nameplate capacity of a generation unit for pumped hydroelectricity. | - Energy - State Government
| Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/17/2022 | | | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | H. McKean (R) | |
Encourage Geothermal Energy Use
Concerning the encouragement of the use of geothermal energy by providing similar treatment to solar energy, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. | - Energy - Local Government
| Governor Signed: 06/03/2022 | | Energy and Environment | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | R. Holtorf (R) | N. Hinrichsen (D) |
Prioritize Water Storage Projects South Platte Basin
Concerning a requirement that the Colorado water conservation board prioritize water storage in the South Platte river basin in choosing projects to finance with money from the Colorado water conservation board construction fund. | - Water
| House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Water Postpone Indefinitely: 03/28/2022 | | Agriculture, Livestock, and Water | Agriculture and Natural Resources | R. Holtorf (R) | |
Process For Proposed Air Quality Rules
Concerning the procedures for proposals filed in anticipation of an air quality control commission rule-making hearing. | - Energy - Natural Resources & Environment - State Government
| Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/22/2022 | | | State, Veterans and Military Affairs | | |
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Colorado
Concerning measures to promote reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. | - Health Care & Health Insurance - Natural Resources & Environment
| House Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over Daily - No Amendments: 05/09/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | A. Valdez (D) K. McCormick (D) | K. Priola (D) C. Hansen (D) |
Programs To Reduce Ozone Through Increased Transit
Concerning programs to reduce ground level ozone through increased use of transit. | - Transportation & Motor Vehicles
| Governor Signed: 05/26/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | J. Bacon (D) | F. Winter (D) N. Hinrichsen (D) |
Air Quality Improvement Investments
Concerning measures to improve air quality in the state, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. | - Health Care & Health Insurance - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/02/2022 | | Energy and Environment | Transportation and Energy | M. Froelich (D) A. Valdez (D) | S. Fenberg (D) J. Gonzales (D) |
Orphaned Oil And Gas Wells Enterprise
Concerning measures to address orphaned wells in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, creating the orphaned wells mitigation enterprise. | - Natural Resources & Environment
| Governor Signed: 06/02/2022 | | Finance | Finance | M. Weissman (D) | S. Fenberg (D) |